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IRONMAN Peru 70.3
IRONMAN Peru 70.3
IRONMAN Peru 70.3
IRONMAN Peru 70.3
IRONMAN 70.3 Peru
IRONMAN 70.3 Peru


IRONMAN 70.3 Perú


Lima, Perú


April 27, 2025

Hero Text Instructions

This copy should match the race card. Both are managed by Webmasters. Please submit your updated sponsors, titles, and dates to them. 


Text Block Subtitle (Centered): IRONMAN 70.3 Sponsored by [Title Sponsor Name Here]

H1: IRONMAN 70.3 [Location Title]

H3: Presented by [Presenting Sponsor Name Here]

H2: [City, State] or [City, Country]

--One Enter/Return--

Normal: [Month Day, Year] or [Coming in Year]

Select Language

  • English
  • Español  

^ Adding Translated Content

Copy the layout container with original content. The layout container must have a custom class. See below for the custom classes needed for this page (CSS must match exactly):

  • lng-english

When added correctly, a gray language label will span the layout container. Proceed to edit the page elements and replace copy with the updated language.

Available Options Race Detail
Don't edit this column Don't edit this column **Edit here**
Swim River, Lake, Ocean, Reservoir, Bay, TBD Ocean
Bike Flat, Rolling, Hilly, TBD Flat
Run Flat, Rolling, Hilly, TBD Flat
Avg Air Temp Fahrenheit, rounded to a whole number 70
Avg Water Temp Fahrenheit, rounded to a whole number 70
Airport Must be tri-code LIM

^ Changing Race Icons 

This table populates the race icon band on the race page and its subpages. The race icons should match what's displayed on the race card. The race icon band and race card are managed by Webmasters. Please submit your race icon changes to them.

^ Updating Register Button

This registration link should match the Race Registration Status on the race card. Both are managed by Webmasters. Please submit your updated status and registration link targets to them. 

The link title should only be one of the following:

  • Registration Opening Soon
  • Register
  • Limited Spots Remaining
  • Sold Out
  • Closed
  • By Qualification Only

Set Your Target

You can almost taste it. Your IRONMAN 70.3 finish line beckons, with its crowds, bright lights, and music. A sense of accomplishment is like the wind at your back, pushing you forward over the final steps. It's your goal, your dream, your finish...seize it now.

CLOSED | 2025 Registration Coming Soon

IRONMAN 70.3 Peru registration is now closed. 

2025 General Registration will open soon.


What's included:

    Icon 1 Event Gear: Sling Bag and Swim Cap
  • Icon 2 On-Course Nutrition and Post Race Food
  • Icon 2 On Course Safety Support
  • Icon 1 Timed Race Results
  • Icon 2 Age Group Awards Ceremony
  • Icon 1 Finisher Gear: Medal and T-Shirt
  • Icon 2 Digital Finisher Certificate


General Entry

$385.00 USD

Individual Entry
All-In Price Includes:
General Entry: $350.00 + Proc. Fees: $35.00

Relay Entry
$605.00 USD
Relay - Team Captain
All-In Price Includes:
Relay Entry: $550.00 + Proc. Fees: $55.00

Pricing is inventory-based according to slot quantities and will automatically increase when capacity has been filled. 

Registration Options

There are no transfers, refunds or deferrals.

Fija tu objetivo

Casi puedes sentirlo. La línea de meta de tu IRONMAN 70.3 te está esperando, con sus multitudes, sus luces brillantes y su música. La sensación de logro es como el viento a tu espalda, que te empuja hacia delante en los últimos pasos. Es tu objetivo, tu sueño, tu meta... aprovéchala ahora.

CERRADO | Próximamente inscripción para 2025

Ya están cerradas las inscripciones para IRONMAN 70.3 Perú.

La inscripción general 2025 se abrirá pronto.


El registro incluye

    Icon 1 Equipo para eventos: bandolera y gorro de baño
  • Icon 2 Nutrición de carrera y alimentación post carrera
  • Icon 2 Soporte de seguridad en el curso
  • Icon 1 Resultados de la carrera cronometrada
  • Icon 2 Ceremonia de premiación por grupos de edad
  • Icon 1 Equipo de remate: medalla y camiseta
  • Icon 2 Digital Finisher Certificate


Inscripción General

$385.00 USD

Entrada individual
El precio incluye:
General Entry: $350.00 + Proc. Tasas: $35.00

Inscripción por Relevos

$605.00 USD
Relevo - Capitán de equipo
El precio incluye:
Relay Entry: $550.00 + Proc. Tasas: $55.00

Ten en cuenta que el cambio de precio puede ser en cualquier momento, ya que se basa en el volumen de atletas inscritos.

Opciones de Registro

No hay transferencias, reembolsos o aplazamientos.

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